Beef Cut Sheet Information
Beef Cutting:
There are four specific sections (two of each, one per side) of Beef and a few miscellaneous items. Hamburger is always a given just how much is determined by how each section is cut. Steak Thickness is to your preference (average is 1”). Roasts size in pounds is to your preference as well (average is 3 to 4lbs), Hamburger package size can be 1lb, 2lb, 5lb & 10lb. The sections are as follows:
The Rib – There are seven ribs per side for this section. We can cut the Bone IN Rib Steak, the Boneless Delmonico/Ribeye Steak or Rib Roasts. The Rib Roasts can be done in one of two ways ; by the Rib or by the pound. For example, a 3 Rib roast is heavier in weight than a 3lb roast. On a whole beef or half of a beef, we can do two of the three cutting options. However, if you are quartering the beef we can only do one of the options.
The Chuck – The chuck is the largest section on each side of any beef. It is made up of the Arm and the Blade. We DO NOT differentiate between the two when cutting. For this section, we can cut Steaks (bone in or boneless), Roasts (bone in or debone, rolled & tied for $1.50/lb), cut for Stew Meat, or we can Grind any portion of it for Hamburger. On a whole or half of a beef we can do two of the cutting options. However, if you are quartering a beef we can only cut one of the options.
The Loin – Each side of this section can be cut one of two ways for beef under 30 months of age. The Standard Cut, which includes the Bone In steaks of T-Bones, Porterhouses and Sirloins. The Optional Cut, which includes the Boneless, cuts of Filets, NY Strips and Sirloin Strip (top sirloin). If your beef is over 30 months of age, USDA regulations state that all slaughter facilities must remove the spinal column. When this is removed, the boneless Optional Cut is all that is available.
The Round – This section is broken down again into four smaller sections: The Eye Round: this is the smallest section, which can be done one of three ways. As a roast, the Eye Round is a long tube shape and it is typically cut into one or two per side depending on the roast size chosen. As steaks, the Eye Round will be a round medallion size cut. This section can also be ground up to add to the Hamburger. The Top Round: This we can cut one of four ways: Roasts, Steaks, London Broil (approximately 2” thick and/or 2lbs a piece), or it can be ground up to add to the Hamburger. The Bottom Round: We would recommend this section cut one of three ways: Roasts, Cube Steak (for an added charge of $1.50/lb on what has been run through the tenderizer), or ground up to add to the Hamburger. The Sirloin Tip: This section can be cut one of three ways as well: Roasts, Steaks, or ground up to add to the Hamburger.
The Miscellaneous Items: These items can either be kept as they are specified in the descriptions below or ground up to add with the Hamburger. Keep in mind that by choosing any of these, you will not lose anything from any of the above sections. The Flank Steak: a thin steak from either side of the groin area. The Short Ribs: from the plate of the animal and are cut in 1” wide to 3” long. Sew Meat (typically 1lb packs): this comes from the whole animal. They are nice meaty sized chucks that are too good to add in with the hamburger. The Brisket: this piece of meat comes from the chest area and is wonderful to put in a smokehouse for a nice long slow cook. Soup Bones: our version of soup bones is all four shanks starting at the top cutting about 1” thick slices down to the end. The upper portion slices have more meat compared to the lower portion. We can also remove all the meat and save the bones as “bones”. That would just have to be specified at the bottom of the sheet in special instructions.
Special Instructions: In the section we need for you to specify anything they you are looking for that is not covered by the cut sheet. We do will make Hamburger Patties for $.75/lb in three different sizes 1/4lb, 1/3lb & 1/2lb in either 1lb packs or 2lb packs.

Whole Beef Cut Sheet
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Half Beef Cut Sheet
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